速報APP / 健康塑身 / MedicalApp Business

MedicalApp Business





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




MedicalApp Business(圖1)-速報App

MedicalApp Business - All You Need in One Place

MedicalApp Business(圖2)-速報App

MedicalApp Business will help you to find the doctor you need. It has the most complete database of healthcare professionals across the breadth of general practitioners, specialists, physiotherapists, dentists, podiatrists, pharmacists and others. Healthcare facilities include public and private hospitals, pharmacies, day hospitals, aged care facilities, mental health facilities, hospices and more. You can not only search by state or name, you can even find everything related to the doctor. The clean, simple and modern user interface provides content from our exhaustive database of thousands. In addition to doctors you can also find allied health, pharmacies, hospitals and medical centre details.

MedicalApp Business(圖3)-速報App

MedicalApp Business makes a positive contribution to people’s lives through connecting more people to relevant job opportunities using its job board to build radically more efficient and effective employment marketplaces. Within this app you will find current medical or allied vacancy listings and job seekers from in and around Malaysia.

MedicalApp Business(圖4)-速報App

MedicalApp Business visitors can Buy, Sell, and Seek new and used medical equipment from our Marketplace. Set up your own practice by browsing through new/used medical equipment or upgrade from your old equipment to the newest models on the market.

MedicalApp Business(圖5)-速報App

MedicalApp Business(圖6)-速報App